CLIP Introduction
THOMAS was launched in January of 1995, at the inception of the 104th Congress. The leadership of the 104th Congress directed the Library of Congress to make federal legislative information freely available to the public. One feature of THOMAS is to compile indexes to legislative histories since the 101st U.S. Congress. The compiled lists of documents necessary for legislative histories are part of the All Congressional Actions with Amendments With links to Congressional Record pages, votes,reports feature.
Prior to the 101st Congress it is very difficult to find lists that assist IP searchers in compiling all of the documents necessary to compile a legislative history. Compiled legislative histories both in the form of indexes and full text collections do exist if you are luck enough to find access. The goal of this site is to serve as an archival companion site to THOMAS, providing lists of source documents necessary to compile legislative histories on select IP legislation.
The IP Mall does not provide this site as an alternative to traditional comprehensive legislative history tools and strategies. These checklists are intended as a starting place to collect source documents prior to THOMAS coverage. We hope you find these checklists helpful.
P.L. 97-215
Copyright Law Amendment
July 13, 1982
P.L. 97-180
Piracy and Counterfeiting Amendments Act of 1982
May 24, 1982
P.L. 97-164
Federal Courts Improvement Act of 1982
Apr. 2, 1982
P.L. 96-574
Plant Variety Protection Act, amendment
Dec. 22, 1980
P.L. 96-521
Rio Grande Occupancy Resolution Program Area, N. Mex., patent issuance
Dec. 12, 1980
P.L. 96-517
Patent and Trademark Laws, amendments
Dec. 12, 1980
P.L. 96-455
Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, membership
Oct. 15, 1980
P.L. 96-417
Customs Courts Act of 1980
Oct. 10, 1980
P.L. 96-252
Federal Trade Commission Improvements Act of 1980
May 28, 1980
P.L. 95-391
Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1979
Sept. 30, 1978
P.L. 95-168
United Daughters of the Confederacy, patent extension
Nov. 11, 1977
P.L. 95-146
National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works, extension
Oct. 28, 1977
P.L. 95-94
Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1978
Aug. 5, 1977
P.L. 95-27
Senate Procedure, printing and binding
May 4, 1977
P.L. 94-553
Oct. 19, 1976
P.L. 94-440
Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1977
Oct. 1, 1976
P.L. 94-316
Saline water conversion program, 1977, appropriation authorization
June 22, 1976
P.L. 94-314
National Commission on New Technical Uses of Copyrighted Works, appropriation authorization
June 21, 1976
P.L. 94-131
Patent Cooperation Treaty
Nov. 14, 1975
P.L. 93-601
Jan. 2, 1975
P.L. 93-600
Trademarks, extension for filing oppositions
Jan. 2, 1975
P.L. 93-596
Patent Office, name change
Jan. 2, 1975
P.L. 93-573
Dec. 31, 1974
P.L. 92-566
Copyright protection, extension
Oct. 25, 1972
P.L. 92-511
International Bureau for the Protection of Industrial Property, name change
Oct. 20, 1972
P.L. 92-386
Senate Procedure, revised edition, printing
Aug. 16, 1972
P.L. 92-358
Inventors' certificates, patent applications
July 28, 1972
P.L. 92-170
Copyright protection, extension
Nov. 24, 1971
P.L. 92-140
Sound recordings, copyright limitations
Oct. 15, 1971
P.L. 92-132
Patents, trademarks, international programs, U.S. participation
Oct. 5, 1971
P.L. 92-34
Patent and trademark cases, emergency relief
June 30, 1971
P.L. 91-555
Copyright term, extension
Dec. 17, 1970
P.L. 91-472
Departments of State, Justice and Commerce, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, FY71
Oct. 21, 1970
P.L. 91-160
Patent Cooperation Treaty
Dec. 24, 1969
P.L. 91-153
Departments of State, Justice, and Commerce, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, FY70
Dec. 24, 1969
P.L. 91-147
Copyright protection, extension
Dec. 16, 1969
CLIP Index
P.L. 100-703
Patent and Trademark Office Authorizations
Nov. 19, 1988
P.L. 100-701
Hamilton Grange National Memorial
Nov. 19, 1988
P.L. 100-670
Generic Animal Drug and Patent Term Restoration Act
Nov. 16, 1988
P.L. 100-667
Trademark Law Revision Act of 1988; Satellite Home Viewer Act of 1988
Nov. 16, 1988
P.L. 100-648
Recreation and Public Purposes Amendment Act of 1988
Nov. 10, 1988
P.L. 100-617
Record Rentals Prohibition
Nov. 5, 1988
P.L. 100-568
Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988
Oct. 31, 1988
P.L. 100-506
United States Bankruptcy Code Amendments
Oct. 18, 1988
P.L. 100-458
Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1989
Oct. 1, 1988
P.L. 100-449
U.S.-Canada Free-Trade Agreement Implementation Act of 1988
Sept. 28, 1988
P.L. 100-418
Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988
Aug. 23, 1988
P.L. 100-290
Orphan Drug Amendments of 1988
Apr. 18, 1988
P.L. 100-159
Semiconductor Chip Protection Extension
Nov. 9, 1987
P.L. 100-71
Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1987
July 11, 1987
P.L. 99-660
Miscellaneous Health Provisions
Nov. 14, 1986
P.L. 99-616
Patent Cooperation Treaty Chapter II Implementation
Nov. 6, 1986
P.L. 99-607
Patent and Trademark Office Authorization
Nov. 6, 1986
P.L. 99-574
National Bureau of Standards Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1987
Oct. 28, 1986
P.L. 99-508
Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986
Oct. 21, 1986
P.L. 99-502
Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986
Oct. 20, 1986
P.L. 99-397
Low Power Television Station Local Service Area Definition
Aug. 27, 1986
P.L. 99-151
Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1986
Nov. 13, 1985
P.L. 99-91
Orphan Drug Amendments of 1985
Aug. 15, 1985
P.L. 98-622
Patent Law Amendments Act of 1984
Nov. 8, 1984
P.L. 98-620
Trademark Clarification; State Justice Institute; Semiconductor Chip Protection; Federal Courts Improvement; Government Research and Development Patent Policy
Nov. 8, 1984
P.L. 98-573
Trade and Tariff Act of 1984
Oct. 30, 1984
P.L. 98-473
Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984
Oct. 12, 1984
P.L. 98-462
National Cooperative Research Act of 1984
Oct. 11, 1984
P.L. 98-450
Record Rental Amendment of 1984
Oct. 4, 1984
P.L. 98-417
Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984
Sept. 24, 1984
P.L. 98-367
Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1985
July 17, 1984
P.L. 98-127
Federal Anti-Tampering Act
Oct. 13, 1983
P.L. 98-51
Legislative Branch Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1984
July 14, 1983
P.L. 97-435
Eastern Washington University, release of certain land patent conditions
Jan. 8, 1983
P.L. 97-414
Orphan Drug Act
Jan. 4, 1983
P.L. 97-366
Copyright Office Fees, amendment
Oct. 25, 1982
P.L. 97-296
Lanham Trademark Act, amendment
Oct. 12, 1982
P.L. 97-256
Patent and Trademark Laws and Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act, amendments
Sept. 8, 1982
P.L. 97-247
Patent and Trademark Office, appropriation authorization
Aug. 27, 1982